Time gal reika
Time gal reika

  • Humongous Mecha: Appears chasing Reika in 3001.
  • Another example would be whenever Reika uses her Time Stop ability she announces it with a shout of "STOPPU!" She finally says the whole thing before defeating Luda, announcing it with "TIIIIIIIIIME STOP!" note Which she regularly says in the English versions ("Stop" being pronounced properly this time.)
  • Gratuitous English: For starters, "Time Gal".
  • Gory Discretion Shot: If Reika gets slashed with a sword, the screen just turns black as a white slash mark appears.
  • The Grim Reaper: The main opponent in 666/999 AD.
  • Grandfather Paradox: One death scene has Reika fire her gun into a bunch of cavemen - and promptly dematerialize, having allegedly shot one of her ancestors.
  • She’s flirty, generally cheerful as she giggles and skips through danger for most of the game, dolling out little quips here and there, with some shrieks of panic when in distress.
  • Game-Over Man: Luda serves as this if you lose your last life, though it's simply a repeat of the shot of him laughing from any other time you die.
  • Fanservice: Reika goes around the game wearing a space bikini and some failure scenes have her clothes torn up.
  • She received a redesign in Castle of Shikigami 3 to reduce the similarity.
  • Expy: Reika's appearance is based on Lum from Urusei Yatsura, and her outfit looks very similar to those worn by the protagonists in Dirty Pair.
  • Exposed to the Elements: Even while in the Ice Age or space, Reika spends the whole game wearing a space bikini.
  • There is no hint of this in the actual game, however. Another time traveler, 16-year-old Reika Kirishima, aka Time Gal, is out to stop him.
  • Excuse Plot: A time bandit named Luda is going through different time periods in order to make himself leader of the world in his own time.
  • Can also count as Game-Over Man if you're on your last life.
  • Evil Laugh: Whenever Reika dies, there is immediately a shot of Luda laughing his ass off.
  • In some cases, it's possible that Luda convinced people that Reika was evil, but still.
  • Everything Trying to Kill You: No matter what era, what location, what creature, what person, everything and everybody wants.
  • Enemies with Death: The main opponent in 666/999 AD appears to be The Grim Reaper.
  • The End of the World as We Know It: 3001.
  • "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: The Japanese version of the Sega CD port has a vocal song, "Exceed the Space Time", performed by the voice of Reika Kirishima, Yuriko Yamamoto.
  • Defeat by Modesty: Some of Reika's "death" scenes just have her losing her clothes.
  • Convection Schmonvection: The very first level has Reika hopping over lava.
  • Clothing Damage: Some of her "deaths" are this.
  • Catchphrase: " Sore!" ("There!"), said by Reika enough times to count.
  • You're my kinda guy! Oh, how old are you? The only deaths that explicity kill Reika off are her disintegrating if she shoots the cavemen and her turning into an angel after her ship is shot by a missile. Most of them also have her turn into a chibi rather than stay an anatomically correct human, presumably to avoid showing a beautiful girl being seriously hurt. Few of Time Gal's game overs explicitly kill Reika off onscreen most simply have her receiving the blow and then gaining either a shocked or exhausted expression.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Like Ninja Hayate, Time Gal shies away from the gruesome yet comical deaths as utilized in Dragon's Lair and Space Ace.
  • Batman Can Breathe in Space: Reika spends the later stages in outer space.

  • Bare Your Midriff: Reika's bellybutton is on full display.
  • The singular Western cover in existence depicts her as a hard-boiled, no-nonsense agent who shoots first and asks questions later.
  • American Kirby Is Hardcore: Japanese covers present Reika as an energetic and cheery girl who'll get the job done because she believes in herself.
  • She travels through time and space fighting in nothing but a bikini and manages to kick butt.

    Time gal reika